
UPSC Combined Geo Scientist Exam 2025, Apply Online for 85 Posts.

By shubham

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Geo Scientist Exam: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released a notification related to the UPSC CGSE (Combined Geo Scientist Exam) Preliminary Examination, 2025.The UPSC Combined Geo Scientist Examination (CGSE) Prelims 2025 notification was released on 04 September, 2024 and the last date to apply for the UPSC CGSE Prelims examination 2025 will be on 24 September, 2024. Read the article to find out the notification date, exam schedule, and other important details.

Geo Scientist Exam Overview

Here is the table based on the given data:

Exam NameCombined Geo-Scientist Examination
Conducted byUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
FrequencyOnce a year
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline
Preliminary ExamObjective-type
Main ExamDescriptive-type
Number of Vacancies85
Number of Test Centres19
Duration of the Examination3 days
Official Websitewww.upsc.gov.in

Geo Scientist Exam Important Dates:

Geo Scientist Exam dates are given below with the help of the table. The last date of apply for this exam is 24/09/2024.

Here is the table for the additional information:

Date of Notification04-09-2024
Last Date to Apply Online24-09-2024 till 18.00 Hours
Date for Correction Window25-09-2024 to 01-10-2024
Date of Preliminary Examination9th February, 2025
Date of Main Examination21st & 22nd June, 2025

Geo Scientist Exam Vacancy Details:

Annually, the UPSC releases the Geo Scientist Exam notification for shortlisting the candidates to the posts in the Geological Survey of India under the Ministry of Mines and the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Water Resources. The total number of vacancies released for CGSE 2025 are given below.

Category I: (Posts in the Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines)
Geologist, Group A16
Geophysicist, Group A06
Chemist, Group A02
Category II: (Posts in the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources)
Junior Hydrogeologists (Scientist B)13
Junior Chemical (Scientist B)01
Junior Geophysics (Scientist B)01
Assistant Hydrogeologist, Group ‘B’31
Assistant Chemist, Group ‘B’04
Assistant Geophysicist, Group ‘B’11
geo scientist exam

Time Table of Exam

As this exam is by UPSC Geo scientist exam. So here it is very important to note down the accurate time table for the exam.

Here is the time-table for the Combined Geo Scientist Examination in 2025:

Preliminary Examination Time-table

09 February, 20259:30 AM to 11:30 AMPaper-1General Studies (Common for all)
09 February, 20252:00 PM to 4:00 PMPaper-2Stream-specific subject paper
– Chemistry
– Hydrogeology
– Chemical
– Geophysics

Main Examination Time-table

DateTimeSubject CodePaperSubject
June 21st, 20259:00 AM to 12:00 Noon12Paper-IGeology
June 21st, 20259:00 AM to 12:00 Noon32Paper-IGeophysics
June 21st, 20259:00 AM to 12:00 Noon42Paper-IChemistry/Chemical
June 21st, 20252:00 PM to 5:00 PM13Paper-IIGeology
June 21st, 20252:00 PM to 5:00 PM33Paper-IIGeophysics
June 21st, 20252:00 PM to 5:00 PM43Paper-IIChemistry/Chemical
June 22nd, 20259:00 AM to 12:00 Noon34Paper-IIIGeophysics
June 22nd, 20259:00 AM to 12:00 Noon44Paper-IIIChemistry/Chemical
June 22nd, 20252:00 PM to 5:00 PM15Paper-IIIHydrogeology

Geo Scientist Exam Fee Structure:

See the below table for the Geo Scientist Exam Fee structure.

Here is the table for the application fees:

CategoryApplication Fee
UR/OBCRs 200/-
SC/ST/Female/Persons with Benchmark DisabilityNo fee

Geo Scientist Exam Pattern:

The Geo Scientist Exam pattern along with syllabus got changed for the examination from this year. The selection of the candidates will be based on three stages.

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Personality Test

The Preliminary examination will screen the aspirants for taking the Main examination. It will be a Computer Based Examination and consists of objective type questions having two papers. Marks secured in this examination will be counted for deciding the final merit. General English Paper will be discontinued.

Geo Scientist Exam Age Criteria

The general age limit for the UPSC Geo Scientist Exam is 21 to 35 years, though it may vary depending on the specific post.

There is age relaxation of five years for ex-servicemen category candidates and Scheduled Caste/Scheduled tribal. For OBC category, it is three years while for deaf-mute, blind and orthopedically disabled category applicants, it is 10 years.

Education Qualification:

The Education Qualification for the Geo Scientist Exam is very well explained with the help of table.

Here is the table summarizing the educational qualifications required for each post:

PostQualification Required
Geologist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of IndiaMaster’s degree in Geological Science, Geology, Applied Geology, Geo-Exploration, Mineral Exploration, Engineering Geology, Marine Geology, Earth Science and Resource Management, Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies, Petroleum Geo-science, or Geochemistry from a recognized university.
Geophysicist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ in C.G.W.B.M.Sc. in Physics, Applied Physics, Geophysics, Integrated M.Sc. (Exploration Geophysics), Applied Geophysics, Marine Geophysics, or M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics) from a recognized university.
Chemist Group ‘A’ in Geological Survey of India and Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) under C.G.W.B.M.Sc. in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, or Analytical Chemistry from a recognized university.
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’ in C.G.W.B.Master’s degree in Geology, Marine Geology, or Hydrogeology from a recognized university or Institute.

How to Apply:

  • Visit the UPSC’s website – www.upsc.gov.in 
  • Go to online applications for various examinations of UPSC
  • Find the CGSE application link Start filling-up all the application details
  • Upload the scanned photograph and signature
  • Pay the application fee  Submit the application details
  •   Download the CGSE application form and take a printout of the same for future reference. 

Geo Scientist Exam Eligibility:

  • Applicants must be Indian citizens or subjects of Nepal/Bhutan.
  • Tibetan refugees who intend to permanently settle in India can also apply.
  • Individuals who migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Eastern African countries, or Vietnam are also eligible.


UPSC release the notification for Geo Scientist Exam 2025. This exam is golden opportunity for the candidate who are willing to join the indian scientist. With the application process now open, you have the chance to embark on a rewarding career path in the field. Ensure you follow the outlined steps to complete your application accurately and promptly. 

Important Links:

Here is the table with the action links:

Apply Online Click Here
Official WebsiteWebsite
All Govt. JobFresh24jobs.com


What is the last date of apply?


how many vacancies are there

85 Post.

Prelims Exam Date ?

